Monday 26 January 2009

The Beginining...

There's nothing like a blank canvas to bring on an attack of writer's block. The Leopold Fumbleguts Memoirs has been running for some weeks now and I've cleverly avoided writing anything upon it. Leopold must be turning in his grave, bitterly disappointed in his student.
There are some good signs though. Before a word has been written, this blog has three followers - a pretty good start even if they are all close friends of mine.
So what do I see this blog achieving? Many wonderful things. I just don't know what they are yet, though you can be sure of some unwitting self-promotion, for which I apologise in advance. 
Over the years I've written many short stories and noted down observations about our fantastically desperate and desperately fantastic species. During the quiet times some of these will probably appear on my blog to make it look like I'm being productive. Also, as with Wisdom Of Ken, past projects may find their way onto these pages for the critical eye and, perhaps, readers' enjoyment. By past projects I mean some design work I've done, either for commercial purposes or personal, and maybe even the odd photo. 
Whilst your eyes study my visual contributions, perhaps your ears would appreciate some experimental trip-hop by my good friend Milos Pilo. I'll upload some of his tracks if that's possible.
Well, that's it. You may now carry on doing what you were doing, and may you achieve all you set out to do. Do check back soon because I really think I'm about to come out with something good and you wouldn't want to miss it now, would you?

1 comment:

  1. How frequently should one check back in order to be at the cutting edge of all things Fumbleguttish? One doesn't wish to be left behind, don't you know.
